演奏会形式を研究論文紹介に援用する試み @ 静岡県浜松市
A combinational exhibition between science (i.e. translational research) and music.

Pallarely citing the scientific article and musical scores, which are connected to the performance  
Filed under:
Performance, OriginalConcert, Research

Ergonomic etude in concerts “直感と論理”
Sep–06–2018 & Nov-06-2018
Original Composition works which is applied the explicit knoledge found by own experimental methods.
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May–01–24 ~ now
中欧を中心にした音楽留学中の学生互助コミュニティ: 専門教育の実践と経済支援の両立を志すサードプレイス

A mutual aid community for music students studying abroad, primarily in Central Europe. Organizing private music tours and concerts, which generate proceeds to financially support students' studies and creative projects. The goal is to create a third place where specialized education and economic support coexist, fostering self-reliance.
Filed under:
Organization, Education, OriginalConcert

Ongaku-suru Shintai-suru
An exhibition concert that curates commissional works by musicians and researchers dedicated to the physicality of music. (Unfortunately, it was canceled due to the COVID-19 situation.) 
Filed under:
Performance, Concert

Necophil is an original orchestra that has been active with students at TCM(東京音楽大学) created at its first concert called ネコフィル “皇帝” Con ANiMA!
The concert was preceded by an event called “Be a member of Orchestra!”, which invited guests “as” a member of the Orchestra (i.e., Necophil), and they listened to the rehearsal on the stage “as” members, which sought new experience as an audience.

Filed under:
OriginalConcert, Education, Collaboration with Motochika Shiozaki